20 Things Lactation Consultants Want You to Know - Baby Chick

20 Things Lactation Consultants Want You to Know

We asked a few lactation consultants what they wish every new mom knew when it comes to breastfeeding. Read what they had to say.

Updated August 3, 2022

by Nina Spears

The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert

Breastfeeding can be challenging. I have had multiple clients call me within days (even hours) after having their baby asking for lactation support. Those first few days, weeks, and sometimes months can be challenging to figure out this new skill. I decided to talk to a few lactation consultants I know and ask them what they wish new moms knew about breastfeeding.

Here are 20 Things Lactation Consultants had to say…

1. It’s normal for newborns to want to nurse all. The. Time. Sometimes more than once in an hour.

Learn five reasons your baby wants to breastfeed AGAIN.

2. Breastfeeding isn’t all or nothing.

Learn how to combination feed with breastmilk and formula.

3. Breastfeeding is not supposed to hurt.

I’m sure you’ve heard many people say breastfeeding will hurt and that you must “toughen up your nipples” beforehand to get ready, but that is not the case. If breastfeeding hurts, you need to speak with a lactation consultant as soon as possible because it shouldn’t hurt.

Yes, you will experience odd sensations and pressure while breastfeeding because you probably have never had someone sucking on your breasts for extended amounts of time on and off throughout the day and night, but it shouldn’t be painful.

Pressure and tenderness, yes. Tugging and some pulling, yes. But pinching and or pain, no. Learning how to get a proper latch is key to avoiding pain. This will help reduce your chances of experiencing blistered, bleeding, and/or cracked nipples. Ouch. That is no fun.

4. We’ve all had days when we wanted to give up. You’re not alone.

5. Be sure to stimulate your milk production within the first 24 hours.

It may take a little while for you and your baby to learn how to get a good latch, but while learning this new skill, it is still crucial to start stimulating your milk production soon after birth. The suckling sensation alerts your breasts that it’s time to start making milk and creating a supply.

Breastfeeding works a lot like supply and demand. If you and your baby are not demanding that your breasts make more milk, your body will think that there is no need to make more milk. It will begin to make less and less and eventually stop producing any. Milk needs to be removed from your breasts for your breasts to work on filling them back up. So if your baby is having difficulty latching in the beginning, you must continue to practice getting a good latch while still removing your milk another way. This way, you can help your body produce an adequate supply. You can withdraw your milk by either hand expressing or using a breast pump.

Either way, lactation consultants want you to know that getting a good latch can always be improved with proper guidance and practice. But there is no reversing time and making up for inadequate breast stimulation in those early hours and days.

6. Most moms will make enough milk for their babies if they nurse often enough. However, a small number of mothers have a low milk supply, and these women deserve positive and kind support.

7. Babies are not robots. Like us, they will not eat at the same time and the same amount every day.

8. You don’t have to drink milk to make milk, but you need an extra 450 – 500 calories a day, plus lots of fluids.

Read here to learn more about how many extra calories you really need.

9. Find good support.

Breastfeeding is an ever-evolving relationship and a journey that has ups and downs. It’s important to surround yourself with positive people who will support and encourage you during the most challenging times.

10. Get your partner and your family on board, and ensure that you give them specific ways to help you.

For example, ask them to watch your older children while you’re breastfeeding, to bring you a snack or water, grab your breastfeeding pillow, clean your pumping parts, etc. (Here are some ways dads can help with breastfeeding.) Just remember that you can do this, but it helps when you have support.

11. There are breastfeeding helpers out there who won’t judge you. Keep looking until you find someone who makes you feel safe and supported.

12. Everyone will have an opinion. Only take the good ones and forget the bad ones. Remember that you know your baby and your body better than anyone else.

13. It is NEVER anyone’s place to judge a mom who chooses not to breastfeed. There are so many reasons why a mother might make this choice. And none of those reasons reflect poorly on her mothering or her level of care for her child.

Helpful resources:

14. There are no silly questions when it comes to breastfeeding.

Find a Certified Lactation Counselor or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in your area. Set up an appointment or attend a breastfeeding support group. Your questions are valid and have most likely been asked (many times) before.

15. How much you pump doesn’t always reflect how much milk your baby takes at your breast. Most babies take more than the pump extracts; some take less.

16. Tongue tie and lip tie can impact breastfeeding. Tongues that are tied down can’t milk the breast properly (leading to low weight gain) and cause a lot of pain.

17. If you experience problems, go back to the basics. Most breastfeeding problems can be solved by starting over and keeping things simple. If your nipples hurt, you probably need to change the feeding position or the shape and hold of your breasts. Or you can always unlatch and start again. Start with the basics before assuming anything more complicated is going on.

18. Working mothers who pump deserve all the respect and love in the world. Exclusive pumping moms do, too.

19. Trust biology, trust your baby and trust your body.

Your body was made to make milk. Ask yourself, “Is my baby pooping and peeing enough? Do my breasts feel drained after a feeding? Is my baby gaining weight and meeting developmental milestones?” If the answer to these questions is yes, then your baby is getting enough milk!

20. Breastfeeding is normal, it is intense, and it is beautiful.

All in all, I tell my clients that the most important thing is to feed your baby however you choose to do that. Only you understand your current situation and can determine what is best for you and your child. Just know that you can breastfeed if you want to, that there is help available, and that you are not alone in your joy or struggles with breastfeeding.

What were some tips that helped you during your breastfeeding journey?

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Nina Spears The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert
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Nina is The Baby Chick® & Editor-in-Chief of Baby Chick®. She received her baby planning certification in early 2011 and began attending births that same year. Since then, Nina has… Read more

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