toddlers Archives - Baby Chick A Pregnancy and Motherhood Resource Thu, 25 Jan 2024 02:06:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What To Do When Your Baby Climbs Out of the Crib Wed, 10 Jan 2024 11:00:16 +0000 Young toddler girl in pajamas trying to climb out of her crib.

Safety is an essential part of your child’s life. As they become more mobile, you must take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. This is especially true when it comes to their crib. There will come a time when you will blink, and your tiny baby is a walking, talking toddler. The older […]]]>
Young toddler girl in pajamas trying to climb out of her crib.

Safety is an essential part of your child’s life. As they become more mobile, you must take extra steps to ensure their safety and well-being. This is especially true when it comes to their crib. There will come a time when you will blink, and your tiny baby is a walking, talking toddler. The older they get, the more they want to explore the world around them. Naturally, that curiosity can lead to your toddler climbing out of their crib. With this new development, knowing what to do is helpful, like when to lower the crib and how to keep them safe.

When Do Babies Start Climbing Out of the Crib?

Babies can start climbing out of the crib once they learn to pull themselves up to standing. For most kids, that is when they are around 9-11 months old. However, this varies from child to child, and some will not develop this skill until they are about one. Some babies start trying to climb out of their crib when they are a little older, between 1-2 years old. Still others will never attempt to climb out. No matter if they have tried yet or not, you can take certain steps to prevent injury.1,2

Why Is My Toddler Climbing Out of the Crib?

The main reason your baby is suddenly climbing out of their crib is curiosity. Babies and toddlers are naturally curious and will take matters into their own hands to explore their world. Sometimes, this can mean escaping their crib.3

Between 12 and 18 months, children are learning how to move about independently. You no longer need to carry them around all the time, so it is an exciting time for them. They can run, walk, jump, and climb. With their curious nature, it is normal for them to test boundaries. All you can do is make sure they are safe.4,5

What To Do When Your Toddler Climbs Out of the Crib

Here are some things you can do to keep your toddler safe, whether they are climbing out of their crib.

Lower the Crib Mattress

Beautiful little girl standing up in a crib in a cozy light room in a sweater of fashionable shades. learns to stand at the support. cheerful little girl standing in the crib at home

Chances are the mattress position in their crib is too high. This makes it easier for them to climb out of the crib. If they stand, lower the mattress to its lowest setting. Lowering the crib may make it more difficult for them to get out of it. If they can still climb out even at its lowest setting, you can put the mattress on the ground or with some foam blocks underneath to ensure it doesn’t slip out from underneath the crib.7

Switch to a Toddler Bed

Top view of curious newborn baby lying in crib and looking at camera, panorama

Depending on your child’s age and height, they may be ready to transition to a toddler bed.6

The closer they are to age 3 when you switch to a toddler bed, the better. However, some kids are ready younger. The level of independence that they can handle determines whether a toddler bed is safe for your child. Things to consider include how easily they can get out of their room and, if they did, how safe it would be for them around the home. If they can open their door on their own, one option is to put up a baby gate just outside their door. However, the benefit of a toddler bed is it is closer to the floor, preventing possible falls and injuries your toddler could experience from climbing out of the crib.8,9

Use a Sleep Sack

Little girl wearing a sleep sack while she stands up in her white crib.

Sleep sacks and swaddles are used for safe sleep for infants. But did you know there are larger sizes of sleep sacks for toddlers? They are completely safe for your toddler to use while preventing them from being able to climb out of their crib. Sleep sacks for toddlers keep their arms out but cover their bodies and legs. The benefit of this is that they cannot use their legs and feet to climb out of the crib, and they have a built-in blanket to keep them warm. Some toddlers still like the feeling of the sleep sack hugging their body, and it also helps them sleep better.10

Toddler-Proof the Room

If you have not already, ensure your little one’s room is safe if they escape the crib at night. This includes covering electrical sockets, anchoring furniture to the walls, and keeping anything unsafe out of reach. Here are some more ways to childproof:1

How To Keep a Toddler in the Crib

You are likely wondering what steps you can take to keep your baby in the crib. Here are some helpful suggestions for you to try at home.

Move the Crib

Many cribs have shorter rails to make it easier to reach your child. You can reposition the crib, such as turning it 180 degrees. This can make it so your toddler can’t use that rail to climb out of their crib, and the taller rail is in the front.6

Remove Items

Make sure there are no items in the crib, such as pillows or toys, that your toddler can use as a way to give them a boost. Kids are clever and will use any means necessary to complete a task.11

Stay Calm

The hardest and most important thing is not to overreact. A big display of emotions may have the opposite effect you are looking for when keeping your toddler in the crib. They may keep doing it for the attention. When they climb out of their crib, calmly pick them up and put them back in the crib, saying something like, “We don’t climb out of cribs.” Use some of the techniques to prevent them from climbing out and continue setting firm and calm boundaries. Toddlers thrive on routine and boundaries!11

Use a Sleep Training Clock

LittleHippo Mella: Ready to Rise Children's Sleep Trainer

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Even though your little one can’t tell time yet, there are special okay-to-wake clocks for toddlers that help them learn the right time to get up each day. Many use colors or just one number so they know when it’s the right time to wake up. Hopefully, this will prevent them from climbing out of the crib, giving you time to get to them each morning.11

We know that your baby climbing out of the crib is scary as you constantly worry about their safety. Knowing what steps to take to prevent it is essential. We hope you find these tips helpful, but remember, this is a phase in your child’s development that will pass.

What To Do When Your Baby Climbs Out of the Crib | Baby Chick What To Do When Your Baby Climbs Out of the Crib | Baby Chick What To Do When Your Baby Climbs Out of the Crib | Baby Chick What To Do When Your Baby Climbs Out of the Crib | Baby Chick
Emotional Literacy Is Critical To Kids Identifying Their Emotions Thu, 04 Jan 2024 11:00:37 +0000 Loving mother consoling her sad son at home. Young affectionate mother taking care of her crying son at home.

Find out how to encourage emotional literacy in your child to foster their well-being and positive development.]]>
Loving mother consoling her sad son at home. Young affectionate mother taking care of her crying son at home.

Sometimes, our little people have big feelings. Children experience emotions before they have the words to name or describe the feeling. Emotional literacy is fundamental to our children’s development and can influence their well-being, future success, and relationships.1 Some children are naturally more capable of identifying and managing their emotions, but this skill is not something children are born with; it needs to be taught. All children need to have their emotional literacy nurtured and encouraged by their parents and other significant people. They must also learn to express themselves appropriately and be empowered to navigate the world around them.

What Is Emotional Literacy?

Emotional literacy is a person’s ability to identify, understand, and respond appropriately to feelings and emotions, both in ourselves and other people.2 Every day, we navigate many feelings, and every person experiences emotions differently or in response to different things. However, once we know how to identify feelings, we can use this information to help us constructively manage or cope with uncomfortable or strong feelings.

Why Is Identifying Emotions Important for Children?

We don’t know what feelings are and how to identify or cope with them when born. But as we grow, our emotional literacy develops and helps us “read” our and others’ emotions, which helps us better describe what we need or want. We can also understand and navigate other people’s emotions. Some key benefits of being able to understand and manage emotions include:3,4

  • Coping and regulating our emotions. Your child can only manage emotions when they understand them and why certain emotions were triggered, but also helpful and healthy ways of expressing or coping with those feelings.
  • How we cope as children can often follow us into adulthood, so your child must learn to manage emotions early.
  • When your child can cope with big feelings, they can behave more appropriately and are less likely to hurt themselves or others.
  • Identifying their emotional needs and getting them met in assertive and healthy ways.
  • They are better able to control their impulses.
  • They are more likely to bounce back after adversity or challenges.
  • Being able to empathize with others as we are more emotionally aware, which helps us manage socially and ensure we have strong, secure relationships as we can more easily connect with others

Teaching Children How To Identify Feelings

Sad little girl sitting on couch while mother tries to talk to her. Loving caring mother trying to communicate with upset daughter. Young hispanic mother asking little girl whats wrong while trying to comfort her and show support.

Your child’s emotional literacy and ability to understand and manage their feelings develop over time. Since our children experience emotions before they can describe them, they need significant support from their parents to help them develop the language skills to name their feelings. They will also need to take it a step further and learn strategies to help them cope with the feelings once they know what they are dealing with! Some strategies for building on emotional literacy include:5,6

1. Name It to Tame It

Imagine how uncomfortable, frustrating, or potentially frightening it would be to experience the sensations of an emotion without knowing what was going on. Especially uncomfortable sensations like sweating palms, a racing heart, and feeling warm or shaky. When your child is showing an emotion, if you can identify it and help them understand what they are feeling and why, it can reduce their frustration and fear. This is because they can better understand what is happening in their body and feel more in control. For example, you can tell them, “I can see you are frustrated because your sister won’t share her toys with you.”

In addition, when our kids know what they are feeling, they are better equipped to manage and handle it. For instance, we manage angry feelings in very different ways than sad feelings, so it’s helpful to know the specific emotion they need to address.

2. Name That Emotion

Label emotions you can see other people expressing. The more often you help your child make connections between situations and emotions, the more they can see feelings “in action” and have more knowledge. When they are better equipped to notice feelings and understand why they happen, they will become more compassionate and empathetic. For example, tell them, “Can you see that your sister is happy she won the running race?”

3. Give Them Words

Knowledge is power, they say, and that includes emotional literacy. So, the more words your child has, the better equipped they are to communicate and express their unique emotional experience. For example, are they frustrated or enraged? Flat or devastated? Having more words allows your child to express their full emotional range, which helps them match coping strategies effectively and ask someone to meet their needs appropriately. You could provide a list of emotions specifically for kids (child-friendly words that are developmentally appropriate or images to help them understand) or find a children’s emotion chart to help them decipher and understand their feelings.

ThinkPsych Feelings Chart For Kids - Set of 2 Emotions Posters

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4. Play Emotion Games

You might play a game of “guess that feeling,” where you make a face and see if they can guess your feelings. Or perhaps you could play emotions bingo (which is like regular bingo, except you print out pictures of faces expressing emotions and work on matching pairs). You could even read books or watch TV shows, have them guess emotions, and tell why the character(s) might feel that way.

Laurence King My Feelings Bingo: Get to Know 48 Feelings of All Kinds
Buy Here

5. Use Positive Role Modeling

Our children always watch and learn from what they see us do. So, let them see you naming your own emotion and then watch how you cope. You might say, “Gee, I’m feeling pretty frustrated. I need to take a nice calm breath.” Be a positive role model and show them what behavior you want to see in them.

6. Teach Them How To Cope

Emotional literacy is critical because it underpins emotional regulation. Not only should we teach our kids how to identify feelings, but we should also show how to manage them. Consider teaching calm breathing skills, jumping up and down (star jumps, bouncing on the trampoline), getting a cuddle, going for time in a quiet place, or other ways to regulate themselves. Effective coping strategies are unique to each person, so find out what works for you and your child.

Emotional intelligence and literacy are not things we automatically have skills in; they are things we must learn. All children need help and guidance to manage strong emotions. The lessons they learn as kids will stay with them throughout their lives, and emotional literacy will help your child navigate social situations, develop meaningful and strong relationships, and have generally positive well-being and life satisfaction. Teaching your child about their emotions is an invaluable investment in their future.

Emotional Literacy Is Critical To Kids Identifying Their Emotions | Baby Chick Emotional Literacy Is Critical To Kids Identifying Their Emotions | Baby Chick Emotional Literacy Is Critical To Kids Identifying Their Emotions | Baby Chick
Thumb-Sucking Child: The Pros, Cons & How to Stop It Thu, 21 Dec 2023 11:00:18 +0000 A young toddler is sucking her thumb

Thumb sucking is instinctive for newborns. Learn about its possibly positive and negative effects on infants and young kids.]]>
A young toddler is sucking her thumb

Thumb-sucking is a natural behavior for infants and young children. Studies show that approximately 90% of newborns exhibit some form of sucking reflex or hand sucking within two hours after birth.1 You may have even looked on in delight during an ultrasound visit or two before your little one made his debut as you witnessed him sucking his tiny thumb in utero to comfort himself.

It’s truly remarkable to think about our innate ability to self-soothe, even before birth. But as time goes on and your child grows older, that cute habit can cause concern. Parents of thumb suckers worry about every implication, from damage to teeth to possible infections and even teasing from other children. Let’s delve into the world of thumb-sucking, examining its benefits, drawbacks, alternative options, and everything in between.

Pros of Thumb-Sucking

So, is thumb-sucking bad? Thumb sucking is considered normal behavior in infants and young children and should not pose any permanent issues if it ceases by the age of 5. Usually, the positive aspects of thumb sucking are not widely discussed. However, one study says that there may be benefits to having your fingers in your mouth.2

Researchers in New Zealand followed about 1,000 people born in 1972-1973 until their 38th birthday. When they were 5, 7, 9, and 11, the researchers asked their parents if they sucked their thumbs or bit their nails. When they tested at 13 for allergies to common things such as dust, grass, cats, dogs, and molds, they found that 38% of those who had an “oral habit” tested positive — whereas 49% of those who didn’t suck their thumbs or bite their nails tested positive. This “protection” was still there at age 32.2

Thumb-Sucking Cons

Many children naturally stop thumb-sucking between the ages of two and four. Parents need not be concerned until the eruption or breaking through of the front teeth. Potential problems such as bite issues or protruding front teeth may arise at this stage.1

Prolonged thumb sucking may cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and the alignment of teeth. It can also cause changes in the roof of the mouth.3 If the bite does not correct itself and the upper adult teeth are sticking out, orthodontic treatment may be needed to realign the teeth and help prevent broken front teeth.4

The intensity of thumb sucking plays a role in determining whether such issues might develop. Other possible problems resulting from thumb sucking include sore thumbs, infections, and calluses.1

Pacifier Pros

Cropped Hand Giving Pacifier To Baby Girl

Using pacifiers is harmless for babies and infants and can offer great benefits. They have been found to have analgesic effects, which means they can help soothe and comfort little ones during stressful scenarios. Pacifiers can make the end of a feeding, a new environment, or even a minor medical procedure like routine shots more bearable. For preterm infants, using pacifiers has even been shown to lead to shorter hospital stays, which is fantastic news for worried parents.5

Another significant advantage is that pacifiers can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Offering pacifiers to infants from one month and older at bedtime can be a helpful precautionary measure against SIDS.6

Pacifier Cons

However, as with most things, there are potential downsides to prolonged pacifier use. One concern is that a pacifier could negatively impact breastfeeding, causing difficulties for both the baby and the mother.6 I vividly recall coming home from the hospital with our newborn and hesitating to introduce a pacifier. A lactation consultant’s warning about potential nipple confusion echoed in my mind, and we tried various soothing techniques to calm his cries.

However, after about two weeks, my mom and mother-in-law both urged me to try a pacifier for his comfort. Reluctantly, we gave in, and the result was instant calm for everyone. Plus, my son never experienced any issues with breastfeeding. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests educating mothers about pacifier use in the immediate postpartum period to avoid breastfeeding issues.6

Consider Dental Health

Dental health is another consideration. Extended use of pacifiers might lead to dental malocclusion, which can affect how the teeth align. Adverse dental effects are more likely to become noticeable after two years, especially when pacifier use continues beyond four years.9

Additionally, there’s a risk of otitis media, an ear infection associated with pacifier use.9 Medical experts recommend weaning children off pacifiers during the second six months of life to prevent this.6

Is Thumb-Sucking or Pacifier Use Less Damaging?

Experts suggest that pacifiers may be preferable to thumb-sucking for several reasons. Pacifiers are softer and cause less damage to the teeth compared to the prolonged pressure of thumb-sucking. Additionally, the plastic rim on pacifiers can alleviate some tension on the teeth. From a hygiene perspective, pacifiers are easy to clean, promoting better oral health than a thumb’s constant presence.1

When it comes to the best pacifier for a thumb sucker, it’s important to remember that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Every baby is different, and finding the correct pacifier may involve trial and error to see which one your baby prefers.

How To Stop Thumb-Sucking

Little toddler girl sucking her thumb and looking up at the camera.

While one technique to stop this behavior can be simply ignoring it until your child naturally abandons the habit, some methods exist to stop the behavior. If ignoring it isn’t effective, try one of these techniques:

Praise Them for Not Sucking Their Thumb

Encourage positive behavior in your child by offering praise and small rewards for refraining from thumb-sucking. You can start with an hour before bedtime and maybe work up to no thumb-sucking after dinner. Celebrating their accomplishment with stickers on a calendar may motivate them.8

Figure Out What Causes the Behavior

Identifying the underlying issue of why your child is sucking their thumb and offering comfort through alternative means is essential. Instead of thumb-sucking, provide reassurance and comfort with a warm hug or comforting words. Introducing a pillow or stuffed animal can also be a helpful and soothing substitute.8

Be Gentle With Reminders

If your child unconsciously sucks their thumb, kindly offer gentle reminders to stop the habit. Use a compassionate approach to encourage them to discontinue thumb-sucking naturally. By providing understanding and support, you can help your child gradually break the habit in a positive and nurturing manner.8

Overall, thumb-sucking can have pros and cons for children, making it vital for parents to be aware of its impact on their little ones. Understanding that thumb-sucking can serve as a coping mechanism for stress or comfort, parents can be more attuned to their child’s behavior and emotions. Being proactive about monitoring the intensity and duration of thumb sucking can also help address any potential oral health issues early on. Parents can guide their children through this developmental phase and ensure their healthy growth with a caring and supportive approach.

Thumb-Sucking Child: The Pros, Cons & How to Stop It | Baby Chick Thumb-Sucking Child: The Pros, Cons & How to Stop It | Baby Chick
The Bittersweet Transition From 2 to 3 Years Old Thu, 14 Dec 2023 11:30:23 +0000 Cheerful little girl hugging her loving mother in the living room.

Are you ready for your child's transition from 2 to 3 years old? Read one mama's take on how time flies when you're a parent.]]>
Cheerful little girl hugging her loving mother in the living room.

My firstborn is going to be three soon. Not three weeks or three months: 3 whole years old. It’s creeping up on me, and I’m not quite sure I’m ready. That age-old saying about time being a thief? It’s never felt more real than during this loud and clear transition from 2 to 3 years old. Call me emotional, but I’d even go as far as to say that this one is the epitome of bittersweet.

Although I’m only a few years into my motherhood journey, I can easily see how time flies when you’re a parent of a child — or children — of any age. Watching your tiny human grow from 2 to 3, though? It almost feels like we’re catapulting straight from the tiniest years into full-on kidhood. Maybe you can relate if you’re a fellow mama of a 2-turning-3.

The Start of 2 Feels Like Just Yesterday

It seems like I was just planning for my daughter’s second birthday. While we didn’t do a family and friends party like we did for her first, we did go all out in our special way. We decked out our playroom with climbing toys she was starting to show interest in, filled the house with helium balloons, and had multiple rounds of cake and ice cream. We planned a weekend getaway full of firsts for our girl — like feeding lorikeets up close and personal at a bird sanctuary. We brought her favorite stuffy and beloved paci along for the adventure.

Since then, those climbing toys have become second nature. We’ve moved from beaming at the sight of floating balloons to requesting specifically-named, masterfully-tied balloon animals. We’ve moved from messy cake frosting and ice cream licks to helping crack and pour eggs into homemade brownie batter. We’ve moved on from feeding sanctuary birds up close and personal for the first time to the second and third times — and riding ponies without fear or hesitation. We’ve moved on from favorite stuffies in hand to favorite puppy and unicorn purses filled to the brim. And the beloved paci? We’ve moved on. That’s it. I never thought I’d say it, but sometimes I actually miss it. Or, at the very least, the representation of that fleeting and precious babyhood that, in hindsight, came with it.

This Stage Hasn’t Been Terrible — It’s Been Magical

People talk about the twos as if they’re “terrible.” As if 2 is a year to armor up for and power through. But in my honest opinion, there’s so much more to 2. There’s an explosion of every little spark of magic that I’d never want to fight off. An explosion of vocabulary. An explosion of personality. An explosion of autonomy. A burst of love, laughter, awe-filled moments, and, for me, the essence of happily ever after. Not a day passes that I don’t look at my soon-to-be-3-year-old in complete awe and tell her she’s my dream come true. Because she is. This is 2. And it’s incredible.

At the start of 2 years old, my baby girl was my baby. Of course, she still is — and always will be, in a sense — but it’s not quite the same. As we move closer and closer to 3, my heart can feel things changing. My arms can feel things changing because they are. Not in a bad way, but in a genuinely hard-to-believe way. At the start of 2, much of each day (and night) was defined by full arms: mine. Rocking to sleep. Carrying. Holding. Now, there’s still a lot of carrying and holding. But my soon-to-be-3’s arms are the full ones. Full with baby dolls to take care of, picture books to read independently, and picked-out-all-by-herself outfits, accessories, and sparkly red shoes to dress up in. Again, all by herself. Because such is the essence of transitioning from 2 to 3.

Transitioning From 2 to 3 is Happening Too Fast

Every moment of witnessing my daughter come into her own ever-evolving identity is a wonderful gift. But sometimes (okay, most of the time), it feels like it’s happening way too fast. At the start of 2, we were honing sentences and singing simple songs on repeat. Now, we’re in the age of questioning everything (literally, everything) and self-initiated, fully independent storytelling. At the start of 2, we were still on the younger end of our mommy-and-me baby gymnastics group. Since then, we’ve moved on to twirls, plies, first recitals, and all things tutus and ballet.

At the start of 2, we were testing the limits with Crayola-sponsored artwork on every inch of every room. Now, we’re painting perfectly arched rainbows and drawing red and green apples (with stems, nonetheless). We’re suddenly beginning to color inside the lines — yet stepping further and further outside of the box all the while. Stirring, sweet, and painstakingly difficult to grasp as it may be, 2 to 3 is a magnificent yet way-too-soon masterpiece.

Life has never felt as fleeting and short as it has since becoming a mom. This is especially true as I cling to what remains of my firstborn’s toddlerhood and prepare for her to continue blossoming into the unique, extraordinary human being she is. With each passing day, it seems to go faster and faster. The transition from 2 to 3 is one I wish we could hold onto just a bit longer . . . or keep around, somehow, forever.

25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds Fri, 08 Dec 2023 11:00:22 +0000 Collage of the Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds

Discover some of the best toys for 4-year-olds, including educational and STEM toys and several that encourage imaginative play.]]>
Collage of the Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds

The age of 4 is magical because kids in this group still have a foot in two worlds: that of the little kids they were and that of their older counterparts heading to kindergarten and starting to explore the world around them. Shopping for toys for 4-year-olds can be fun but also challenging for this reason. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up some of the biggest hits in this age group that will help you find exactly what the toddler in your life hopes for. These toys not only encourage fun and exploration but also hit a lot of the developmental needs of this period.

Whether you’re shopping for toys for 4-year-old girls or boys, plenty of items on this list are sure to please, so take a look and start hitting “add to cart” on these fun finds.

7 Toys That Encourage Imaginative Play for 4-Year-Olds

At this developmental stage, imaginative play is still critical to kids. Not only does it help them develop social and emotional skills, but it also helps them work on creative thinking and language development. Even though these gifts may look like they’re just allowing them to play make-believe, they’re setting toddlers up for navigating the real world.1

1. Bluey Hammerbarn Shopping Playset

Bluey Hammerbarn Shopping Playset
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Help children expand their imagination and creative play with this fun playset featuring everyone’s favorite family of cartoon dogs. Not only can the little Bluey or Bingo in your life get a chance to recreate that fateful trip to Hammerbarn with this play set, but they’ll get to do it time and time again, changing their shopping every time they play.

2. Gabby’s Dollhouse Gabby Cat Friend Ship

Gabby's Dollhouse Gabby Cat Friend Ship
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All aboard the friend ship! This cute boat-style dollhouse has two toy figures, some surprise toys, and plenty of accessories to give any Gabby’s Dollhouse fan hours of imaginative play. You can add to the collection by purchasing add-ons or gift this friend ship as is. With two toy figures, some surprise toys, and a few classic accessories, this playset will become an instant favorite.

3. PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie Aircraft Carrier HQ

PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie Aircraft Carrier HQ
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When Ryder issues the call for help, all the Pups will know exactly where to go with this fun aircraft carrier playset. Inspired by the newly released PAW Patrol movie, this massive toy comes with Mighty Chase, a vehicle, and a few action-packed missiles. You can include some of the other Mighty Pups with this one if you want to splurge on a major gift.

4. Monster Jam Grave Digger Trax

Monster Jam Grave Digger Trax
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If you know a little one who loves all things remote-controlled, they will go wild for this Monster Jam set. The all-terrain remote control vehicle is great for use indoors. But it shines when you take it outside because it’s tough enough to use in dirt, grass, snow, and even water.

5. Rubble & Crew Deluxe Bulldozer

Rubble & Crew Deluxe Bulldozer
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The new Rubble & Crew television show inspired this construction set. It comes with a mini Rubble figurine that will help the 4-year-old in your life move giant boulders and engage in all kinds of make-believe play. (The Kinetic Sand kit is sold separately.)

6. Minnie Mouse Bow-Tique Bowdazzling Vanity

Minnie Mouse Bow-Tique Bowdazzling Vanity
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Disney lovers will appreciate this adorable vanity set. It’s the perfect size for 4-year-olds who want to sit in front of the reflective mirror and style their hair. The set comes with 10 accessories, including four fun stickers, two Mini-styled bows, a hairbrush, and a faux bottle of perfume.

7. Tonka Hat and Bucket

Tonka Hat and Bucket
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Give your mini builder the perfect play set to stretch their imagination with this Tonka design. The large building blocks come in a fun Tonka hat bucket, which can be flipped over and used as a building platform. They don’t call them “Tonka Tough” for nothing; this playset should last the little one in your life a long time thanks to its high-quality construction.

2 Stuffed Animals for 4-Year-Olds

Kids this age still love snuggling up with their favorite stuffed animals, and these finds are sure to make the list of top stuffies among toys for 4-year-olds. From cuddly bears to mice that sing, there’s plenty to love with these plushes.

1. Disney Junior Mickey Mouse E-1-Oh! Plush

Disney Junior Mickey Mouse E-1-Oh! Plush
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Farmer Mickey wants to snuggle and is looking for the perfect little boy or girl. This 16-inch soft play toy is ideal for cuddle time and helps kiddos get the wiggles out while playing a selection of musical numbers and a call-and-response game of “What animal sound is that?” Six AAA batteries are already included, so this will be ready for fun as soon as it’s opened.

2. Care Bears Superstar Bear

Care Bears Superstar Bear
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This Care Bears stuffy will give the grown-ups some major nostalgia. Not only is the Superstar Bear made from soft and huggable plush, but it also comes with an important message about caring for the planet and finding a “cleaner and greener way to grow.” This 14-inch plush is made with recycled materials and carefully designed to ensure every 4-year-old can grow up in a “green” world.

2 Necessities for 4-Year-Olds

Buying gifts that kids need instead of just the ones they want doesn’t have to be boring when you shop with a child’s interest in mind. These fun must-haves are practically guaranteed to make the toddler in your life happy.

1. PAW Patrol Coloring Placemat

PAW Patrol Coloring Placemat
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Whether you’re looking for a way to keep your toddler busy while out to eat or want to make mealtimes at home more fun, you’ll love this coloring placemat. The mat comes with eight washable markers so that it can be used again and again and again. Since it features everyone’s favorite PAW Patrol pups, we have a hunch this will become a mealtime staple.

2. Melii Snackle Box

Melii Snackle Box
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Nobody likes a hangry kiddo, so this “snackle” box is perfect. With this bento-style food storage solution, the 4-year-old in your life will always have access to a healthy and fulfilling snack, whether at home or on the road. With 12 compartments and removable dividers, kids can use it for snacks or take small games and accessories on the go.

3 Outdoor Toys for 4-Year-Olds

These toys will ensure the 4-year-old in your life is excited about getting a chance to get outside for some fresh air. Even better, their grown-ups will breathe a sigh of relief as they watch their kids get those wiggles out.

1. Animal Bean Bag Toss Game

Animal Bean Bag Toss Game
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Help kids stay active while working on their gross motor skills with this fun bean bag toss game. Not only does it help encourage screen-free play, but it also helps them learn cooperation when they play with it with others. When they tire of the animal design, the game can be flipped for more precise target practice, such as a velcro ball toss.

2. Ollyball

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Keep them on their toes with this fun soccer ball. Grown-ups will love it because it encourages movement and outdoor play. It can also be played with indoors since this ball weighs less than an ounce and will not break any windows! Kids will love it because they’ll get to personalize the ball, thanks to the customizable design that allows kids to color on the ball by using any marker.

3. Ninja Kidz TV Giant Mystery Ninja Ball

Ninja Kidz TV Giant Mystery Ninja Ball
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A 2023 National Parenting Product Awards Winner, this Ninja Kidz toy teaches children how to work on their ninja skills. It includes throwing stars, sticky stars and targets, and mission cards. And when the weather isn’t exactly cooperating, the kids can bring the fun inside and play with the five included Ninja Kidz action figures.

2 Riding Toys for 4-Year-Olds

Toddlers love to move around, and these gifts will help them do so in style. Whether they want to be on two wheels or four, these riding toys will have them covered.

1. Strider 12″ Balance Bike

Strider 12" Balance Bike
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Learning to ride a bike can be challenging for 4-year-olds, so we love balancing bikes. These bikes don’t have pedals, so children learn to balance on them before worrying about learning the foot-eye coordination needed to ride a bike. This adjustable version from Strider is 12 inches high and perfect for kids as young as 18 months and as old as 5. Just don’t forget the safety gear when you gift this one. While bike helmets are necessary, we recommend elbow and knee pads for younger riders, too.

2. Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Dinosaur

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Dinosaur
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This dinosaur version of the classic Cozy Coupe car promises a roaring good time for the 4-year-old in your life. It has a removable floorboard and handles for grown-ups to push smaller kids. Once they start to get the hang of things, the floorboard can be removed so that kiddos can “drive” themselves by pushing along with their feet.

4 Montessori Toys for 4-Year-Olds

The Montessori method is about letting children learn and develop skills by offering them the freedom to move their bodies while encouraging them to learn by getting hands-on experience. These four Montessori toys embody that approach and will help the 4-year-old in your life develop physically and mentally while they play.2

1. Canvas Set, 25 Pieces

Canvas Set, 25 Pieces
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Is your 4-year-old a budding artist? Then they’re going to love this reusable canvas set. They can use these interlocking tiles to build with — the pack comes with 25 pieces that can be locked together using small connectors — and they can also draw on each tile to bring their visions to life thanks to the whiteboard material coating them. Are you drawing a boat? A rocketship? It’s up to them to decide!

2. BIRANCO Flower Garden Building Toys

BIRANCO Flower Garden Building Toys
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Do you know a 4-year-old who loves to spend time in the garden? This cute building set from BIRANCO allows them to bring their love of the great outdoors inside by allowing them to build a plastic garden. With 120 pieces, including a base, stems, flowers, and more, the little plant lover in your life will have many opportunities to create the garden of their dreams, helping them flex their imagination muscles, all while encouraging a love of the outdoors.

3. The Original Stair Slide

The Original Stair Slide
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For those days when the kids can’t get outside but need a chance to move their bodies and get the wiggles out, there’s a stair slide. This customizable design comes in four pieces so you can find the perfect size for your space and the kiddo using it, ensuring a fun and safe experience. Each piece can be used on carpeted or plain stairs and has a protective barrier to ensure it doesn’t leave any marks behind once the fun is over.

4. Store Shopping Cart

Store Shopping Cart
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Little kids love it when they can mimic their favorite grown-ups, and this store shopping cart does just that. It’s great for imaginative play because it allows them to pretend they’re cruising the aisles of their favorite store, grabbing food for their play kitchen, or shopping for staples for the home. Grown-ups will love it because it’s just the right size to be tucked away after playtime.

2 STEM Toys for 4-Year-Olds

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. While it may seem like those concepts are too advanced for the average toddler, many experts believe that children learn about STEM through play, starting as infants.3 These gifts can help encourage STEM learning, all while encouraging fun and imaginative play.

1. Kinetic Sand Deluxe Beach Castle

Kinetic Sand Deluxe Beach Castle
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Nothing stretches the imagination quite like kinetic sand. The sensory-friendly material can be used independently or with fun molds and tools, allowing kids to maximize their fun. As a bonus, this unique design doesn’t leave a gritty feel behind on hands, so kids won’t mind getting washed up when it’s time to clean up for the day.

2. Magna-Tiles Downhill Duo

Magna-Tiles Downhill Duo
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The possibilities are endless when it comes to playing with Magna-Tiles, thanks to the magnetic locking power of these building blocks. Add in this fun car track design, and kiddos will get to do more than build. They’ll get to take their designs for a test drive! This set has 40 magnetic pieces, four ramps, two bases, and two drivers.

3 Educational Toys for 4-Year-Olds

The 4-year-old in your life won’t even realize they’re learning valuable skills when playing with these fun gifts. From toys that teach the basics (like color and number recognition) to ones that help budding rock stars learn about music, these gifts have it all.

1. Cocomelon Learning JJ Doll

Cocomelon Learning JJ Doll
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Toddler favorite JJ pops off the small screen and into homes with this fun interactive learning doll. JJ lights up, plays music, and makes sounds to help little ones learn their letters, numbers, and colors. Thanks to the familiar cartoon face, they’ll be delighted to spend time with the doll, mastering all those things they’ll need to know before they head to kindergarten next year.

2. Melissa & Doug Band-In-A-Box

Melissa & Doug Band-In-A-Box
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Encourage the full sensory experience with this band-in-a-box kit from Melissa & Doug. Each set has a triangle, symbols, maracas, and more to help kids learn the basics of standard instruments. These make great toys for 4-year-old boys and girls and can help instill a lifelong love of music. Just check with parents before you buy: You don’t want to get on anyone’s bad side for giving a 4-year-old something that can make this much noise!

3. Melissa & Doug Catch and Count Fishing Game

Melissa & Doug Catch and Count Fishing Game
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Go fish! Melissa & Doug have created the perfect fishing game that promises to be loads of fun and teaches number and color recognition. Each kit has two fishing poles, 10 numbered fish, a spinner to play the game, and a reusable cloth pack to keep everything together. They can play this with a partner or as a solo activity, offering plenty of opportunities for educational entertainment.

We know shopping for young kids can be tricky, but this list should make it easier to cross the 4-year-old in your life off your shopping list. So, go ahead and hit “add to cart” on one (or more!) of these age-appropriate gifts, and get ready to see some real joy and happiness. While a “thank you” is always appropriate, there’s nothing quite like getting a toddler the perfect gift and watching them squeal delightfully!

25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 Best Toys for 4-Year-Olds | Baby Chick
Best Gifts for 4-Year-Olds Wed, 22 Nov 2023 18:43:47 +0000 A girl places colorful rings on top of each other while smiling off to the side. She is lying on the carpet of a classroom. She is dressed casually.

Shopping for gifts for 4-year-olds can be challenging. Here is a list of our favorite gifts your growing toddler will love!]]>
A girl places colorful rings on top of each other while smiling off to the side. She is lying on the carpet of a classroom. She is dressed casually.

The holiday season is here, and if you have toddlers at home, holiday shopping may already be on your mind. But, let’s face it — shopping for a 4-year-old can be challenging. They are at the age now where they have preferences, and it can be tricky to select gifts that aren’t too young for them but are also age-appropriate. The best gift to give your 4-year-old is to help their imagination come alive. Little ones love storytelling, pretend play, and exploration at this age. Parallel play becomes a thing of the past, and they begin to interact with others and play socially. We’ve rounded up the best gifts for 4-year-olds to keep their minds and bodies moving!

Best Gifts for 3-Year-Olds Mon, 20 Nov 2023 17:30:03 +0000 Little boy playing with wooden train set

Are you looking for some fantastic gifts for 3-year-olds? You've come to the right place. These toys for 3-year-olds will be a hit!]]>
Little boy playing with wooden train set

A child’s mind changes so much once they are 3 years old, and the things that once encouraged play can shift. They are moving a mile a minute and learning new skills every day. You can encourage all these changes in their playtime. Certain games and toys for 3-year-olds will foster this growth, allow them to grow even more, and entertain them. We’ve compiled our list of the best gifts for 3-year-olds to help promote development, learning, and play simultaneously!

How To Be a Safe Space for Your Child’s Big Emotions Fri, 17 Nov 2023 19:30:38 +0000 Photo of Mother and Baby son.

Here's a helpful guide on why children have big emotions and how you can help them navigate their feelings.]]>
Photo of Mother and Baby son.

Picture the scenario. It’s a beautiful day. You wake up early, ready to conquer the day with a complete list of activities, including yoga, the grocery store, and a child’s birthday party later. You feel like nothing can get in your way . . . until your child wanders into your room at 7 a.m., crying over their bad dream. As any parent, you comfort your child and their big emotions and feel all is well. Until they get mad about the way their pajamas are rubbing on their neck and work themselves into a full tantrum. The clock reads 7:20 a.m. You make it through that battle just in time to put breakfast on the table. Your child storms off because they want eggs with bacon instead of sausage.

It’s now 7:45 am, and you already have to talk them off their third emotional ledge. You find yourself frustrated and questioning why their emotions are so big and your patience so small. Yet you love them wholeheartedly and want to parent them the best you can. You wonder what the remedy for all this emotion is as you head out the door to yoga. At this point, your child is gleefully singing their favorite song at the top of their lungs for everyone to hear as you load them into the car.

Kids and Big Emotions

Children can be full of many things, including life, energy, and emotion. While their zeal for the ice cream truck can sometimes be cute, their passion for needing the dirty, red sippy cup in the dishwasher instead of the clean, blue one in the cabinet can be exhausting. And confusing. And over the top, if you’re honest with yourself.

When you became a parent, you expected to teach them how to ride a bike and hug them when they fall off, but you didn’t expect to have to be their therapist. Managing our kids’ big feelings can be exhausting . . . and confusing!

Why Do Kids Have Big Feelings?

Crying or experiencing distress is a normal way for our kids to express and soothe themselves when they are overwhelmed by big emotions.4,5 Our children aren’t born with the ability to understand, manage, or regulate their feelings; it’s something we need to teach them.6,7 When they are little, they are still learning, so they can become easily frustrated, confused, or even frightened by their emotions. This can exacerbate or make these big feelings even bigger.1 However, not all children have the same capacity for managing their big feelings. The truth is that some kids are more emotional than others.2 Temperament can influence their sociability, flexibility, and reactivity.2 This means some children have bigger and more dramatic reactions to every little thing in life.

There are many names for children with big emotions. Some call them “spirited,” some call them “difficult,” and others call them “dramatic.” Whatever term you embrace, you know it when you have a child with big emotions. You may feel like parenting seems more challenging for you than others. But it isn’t because you are a bad parent. It is harder to work with a child who has high highs and low lows. And it’s okay to admit that.

The ability to regulate and manage their emotions also comes with age and the development of these skills.6,7 Until our kids learn how to manage their emotions, these enormous feelings can be complicated for them. While they learn these skills over time, there are absolutely some ways we can support them to develop adaptive coping strategies.1

How To Help Your Kids With Emotions

So, how do we help these children do that? My favorite technique comes from Dr. John Gottman’s book “Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child.” In the book, he teaches parents how to become an emotion coach for their child’s emotions in five easy steps. These are Dr. John Gottman’s steps for emotion coaching:8

  1. Be aware of your child’s emotions.
  2. Recognize your child’s emotions as a time to teach them and connect.
  3. Listen with empathy to your child’s feelings.
  4. Help your child learn to label their emotions with words.
  5. Set limits when helping your child solve problems or deal with upsetting situations appropriately.

As you can see, Dr. Gottman doesn’t advise you to tell your child to stop feeling what they feel. Instead, as their emotion coach, you can help them understand why they feel those feelings.8 (I recommend reading the book to understand this fantastic method fully.)

Teaching our children the skills to identify their emotions reduces their distress because they understand what is happening to them and why. It also gives them helpful information.8 For instance, when they recognize that the feeling is anger or sadness, they can respond with appropriate coping strategies. This is because different techniques are more or less effective for particular feelings.3

Help Your Child Learn Coping Strategies

It’s essential to support your child to develop different coping strategies to manage their emotions.3 Figure out what works best for your child and help them practice methods like calm breathing, doing star jumps, talking through their emotions, having a hug, or getting some space. Write down the skills, or create a box with items that help them self-regulate, which they can access when needed. Essentially, you want to equip your little one with the confidence to identify and respond to their big feelings.

Putting It Into Practice

Let’s return to the earlier scenario about a sippy cup. As an emotion coach, you might say: “I see you are mad about the sippy cup being dirty. Do you feel frustrated your cup isn’t ready?” After hearing your child’s response and helping them understand which emotion they are feeling, you could say, “I understand you like to use the same cup. I like to drink out of the same cup for my coffee. When I can’t do that, I choose my second-favorite cup. Can you pick another cup you like just like I do?” If your child still chooses to be frustrated, you would stick within your set parameters but assure them you are ready to help as soon as they decide on an alternative cup.

It is also essential that parents do not buy into big emotions and yell back at their children. This will only heighten the situation and lead to harmful short- and long-term effects.9,10 Instead, you must show them how to stay calm and work through problems instead of losing it — as hard as that can sometimes be. Think of them looking into a mirror of what you want them to see.

If you can remain in the mindset of teaching your child how to handle their emotions instead of stopping them from happening, you may find it easier to coach them through these big moments — all 100 of them before noon. Remember along the way that the children with the most emotion inside of them often have the most to offer the world as they mature. So, keep loving and coaching them one patient day at a time.

25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:30:23 +0000 Collage of some of the best toys for 2-year-olds

Learn what to look for when it comes to shopping for the best toys for 2-year-olds and find 25 gift ideas.]]>
Collage of some of the best toys for 2-year-olds

When it comes to selecting toys for 2-year-olds, you might find yourself wondering what will keep a kiddo who is in the prime of their toddlerhood engaged and interested. Narrowing down the best of the best toys for ever-curious, constantly-growing tiny humans can be daunting. Especially when those little humans tend to be interested in anything and everything. To simplify your search, we’re sharing 25 of our favorite toys for 2-year-olds. We think these are some of the best toddler toys out there.

5 Montessori Toys for 2-Year-Olds

Montessori toys are designed with open-ended, independent play in mind. They’re an excellent tool for encouraging 2-year-olds to build real-life skills while promoting creative thinking and problem-solving. Here are our favorite Montessori toys for 2-year-olds.

1. Lovevery Block Set

Lovevery Block Set
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This beautiful, high-quality block set has everything your 2-year-old could need to build, sort, and thread, among other possibilities. Featuring a solid wood design and vibrant rainbow colors, it comes with 70 blocks plus additional tools, a storage bag and storage box, and an activity guide. Perfect for building spatial, language, and problem-solving skills.

2. Melissa & Doug Let’s Play House Dust! Sweep! Mop! Toy Cleaning Set

Melissa & Doug Let's Play House Dust! Sweep! Mop! Toy Cleaning Set
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There’s no doubt that 2-year-olds love to help and be involved in important tasks. This realistic pretend play cleaning set includes a wooden broom, mop, and duster, as well as a dustpan, brush, and organizing stand. It’ll build toddlers’ confidence and sense of responsibility as they practice coordination, fine motor skills, and everyday chores.

3. Wobble/Balance Board

Wobble/Balance Board
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A wobble balance board is an irresistible, multipurpose toy for 2-year-olds. It stimulates the vestibular system, promotes balance and coordination, and can be used for wobbling, lounging, climbing, etc. This one is made from heirloom quality wood and supports up to 480 pounds, making it possible for everyone in the family to enjoy the fun.

4. Ramp Race Track

Ramp Race Track
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A car ramp racer allows kiddos to explore motion, direction, and cause and effect while practicing focusing and enjoying imaginative play. This ramp racer features five levels and comes with four wooden cars and two balls in primary colors. It’s made from durable, child-friendly wood, so it’s practical and aesthetically pleasing.

5. Wooden Sorting and Stacking Toy

Wooden Sorting and Stacking Toy
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This counting stacker allows children to practice counting, learn basic color recognition, and develop their fine motor skills through stacking. It includes red, yellow, orange, blue, and green wooden stacking blocks and a stacking stand — made from non-toxic paint. It’s an excellent activity for your 2-year-old’s playroom or the kitchen table.

4 Climbing Toys for 2-Year-Olds

Toddlers are busy people. They’re constantly on the go, exploring their surroundings and testing physical limits and boundaries. If you have a 2-year-old at home, you’ll want to invest in safe, toddler-approved climbing toys made to support gross motor development and foster independence. Here are some of our favorites.

1. BlueWood Pikler Triangle Set

BlueWood Pikler Triangle Set
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This highly-rated Pikler Triangle is built for ages 2-6. It’s perfect for strengthening your little climber’s self-confidence, balance, gross motor skills, muscle growth, and creative/strategy play. This toy is made from natural solid wood, durable enough to last for years. And the rainbow colors make it visually appealing for your little one!

2. Lily & River Little Dome

Lily & River Little Dome
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A beautifully-made toy from Lily & River, this rainbow climbing dome allows kiddos to climb, hang, and play to their heart’s desire. With a bit of imagination, it can become a mountain, cave, or monkey bar set. It’s perfect for ages 2 to 6, so your little one will get several years of play with it.

3. Avenlur Magnolia Indoor Playground

Avenlur Magnolia Indoor Playground
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If you really want to take your playroom up a notch for your 2-year-old, an indoor playground is the way to go. Avenlur’s Magnolia Indoor Playground is a seven-in-one jungle gym featuring a slide, a climbing wall, a rope wall climber, monkey bars, a swing, and ladder climbers. It will provide hours of fun while seamlessly supporting gross motor development.

4. The Original Nugget Play Couch

The Original Nugget Play Couch
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A fan favorite for many reasons! The Nugget consists of four foam pieces (a base, a cushion, and two triangles) and can be set up in many configurations. The options for play, climbing, crashing, and lounging are endless here. It comes in various appealing colors and fabrics, including microsuede, double-brushed, and corduroy, and it is Greenguard Gold Certified to ensure all materials are child-safe. We think it’s worth the investment over competing play couches.

5 Outdoor Toys for 2-Year-Olds

What 2-year-old doesn’t love being outside? When given the choice, we’re willing to bet most toddlers would gladly choose the outdoors over being cooped up inside. Sometimes, you just need a toddler-approved outdoor toy or two to make backyard playtime favorable for everyone in the family. Here are some of our favorites.

1. Step2 Rain Showers Splash Pond Water Table

Step2 Rain Showers Splash Pond Water Table
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A little bit of water play can reset almost any toddler’s day. That’s why a water table is a must for every 2-year-old. This one boasts 13 fun accessories, including maze-like spinners, ramps, and buckets, as well as a waterfall tray for a fun rainfall effect. Age-appropriate STEM play has never been easier to come by.

2. Little Tikes Easy Score Soccer Set

Little Tikes Easy Score Soccer Set
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Group sports like soccer are an excellent way to build social skills, cooperation, and focus. Not to mention gross motor skills. Whether or not your tiny tot is on a team, this soccer set will quickly become a family favorite. It includes an easy-to-assemble kid-sized net, ball, and air pump.

3. Little Tikes Easy Score Basketball Set

Little Tikes Easy Score Basketball Set
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Another must-have Little Tikes outdoor (or indoor) toy, this basketball set includes an adjustable basketball hoop and stand and three small soft basketballs. It features an oversized rim for simpler scoring (and increased confidence). Plus, you can choose from six heights — so it’ll grow with your kiddo.

4. Little Tikes First Slide

Little Tikes First Slide
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A go-to beginner’s slide! This one is suitable for use inside or out, folds up for easy storage, and doesn’t require any tools for setup. It promotes balance, fitness, and coordination — not to mention fun for your 2-year-old (or any child up to 60 pounds).

5. Step2 Naturally Playful Sand Table

Step2 Naturally Playful Sand Table
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Digging in sand (and dirt) is a rite of passage for toddlers, right? With a solid sand table, your kiddo can enjoy hours of structured sensory play — without all the mess. This one is raised to a height just right for standing and can hold up to 80 pounds of sand, soil, or any other sensory material. It comes with five accessories. It also features molded-in roadways on the lid, which can be used as a race track when covered.

3 Ride-On Toys for 2-Year-Olds

Being a toddler means constantly being on the move. In particular, 2-year-olds never seem to slow down. Because of this, ride-on toys are a must at this age. Here are some we think your child will love to take a spin on.

1. Step2 Up and Down Roller Coaster Toy for Kids

Step2 Up and Down Roller Coaster Toy for Kids
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This kid’s roller coaster will bring the action into your home (or yard) with its 9-foot track and ATV-inspired car. It features a high back, a handrail, and footrests for maximum comfort and easily comes apart for convenient storage. While the included steps are helpful for the youngest riders, the coaster holds children up to 50 pounds.

2. Disney My First Minnie Plane

Disney My First Minnie Plane
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This ride-on plane is for toddlers 1-3 years old, so it’s just right for 2-year-olds. It features rotating propellers with alternating light-up patterns, 360-degree steering ability, realistic lift-off and landing sounds, and a steering wheel and honking horn. It doesn’t get much more adorable.

3. Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Ice Cream Truck

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Ice Cream Truck
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A reimagined take on the iconic Little Tikes Cozy Coupe! Mom or Dad can push this ice cream truck ride-on car, or your toddler can do it themselves with its detachable floorboard. It comes loaded with fun accessories and specs, including play ice cream cones, a credit card reader, and even an ice cream cone speaker that plays modern ice cream truck music.

5 Educational Toys for 2-Year-Olds

Toddler toys come in all forms. When they’re intended to be equal parts fun and educational, you can’t lose. Check out our favorite learning-inspired toys for 2-year-olds.

1. Learning Resources Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set

Learning Resources Farmer's Market Color Sorting Set
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This 30-piece color sorting set aims to develop color recognition and sorting skills. It offers realistic-looking red, orange, yellow, purple, and green fruits and vegetables, as well as five sorting baskets with labels and an activity guide. It’s an excellent toy for pretend play, language development, and vocabulary acquisition.

2. VTech Alphabet Apple

VTech Alphabet Apple
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This learning toy introduces not only the alphabet but phonics, words, time concepts, music, and more — so it’ll easily grow with your child as they develop new skills. Apart from featuring the obvious (all 26 letters and sounds), it boasts 29 songs and melodies. We also love this pick’s carry handle.

3. Melissa & Doug Shapes Wooden Chunky Puzzle

Melissa & Doug Shapes Wooden Chunky Puzzle
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Melissa & Doug offers a wide choice of wooden puzzles for toddlers. When it comes to learning shapes, this one is a must. With its eight chunky, easy-to-manipulate pieces (circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle, heart, star, and oval) and bright colors, your kiddo won’t even realize they’re learning.

4. Melissa & Doug Rainbow Caterpillar Gear Toy

Melissa & Doug Rainbow Caterpillar Gear Toy
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Color recognition is an important skill for children to work toward in toddlerhood. This gear toy offers plenty of opportunities for color learning and reinforcement. It also promotes hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. It’s a simple pick to occupy and engage your 2-year-old.

5. Learning Resources Primary Science Sensory Tubes

Learning Resources Primary Science Sensory Tubes
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These sensory tubes are highly versatile and made to encourage science exploration, curiosity, and development of the senses. The four durable tubes have dual openings with two solid lids for each, and you can fill and refill them with your choice of objects. The kit includes four vented lids for exploring smells.

3 Other Toys for 2-Year-Olds

Whether you’re shopping for toys for toddler boys or girls, we could go on and on with exceptional options for 2-year-olds. Here are a few more of our favorite picks for this age. You won’t want to miss out on any of them.

1. Turtle Balance Stepping Stones

Turtle Balance Stepping Stones
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Honing coordination and balance is an important everyday task for 2-year-olds. These bright-colored, non-slip stepping stones are an incredible tool for doing just that. They’re durable (supporting up to 265 pounds each), stackable for quick storage, and perfect for creating endless obstacle courses. Plus, your toddler can use them indoors or outside. These will be an instant hit for your kiddo.

2. Hape Play Kitchen

Hape Play Kitchen
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A play kitchen is a wonderful addition to any child’s room. This one will surely promote creative thinking, imagination, and real-life skills practice all at once. It features a realistic-looking sink, stove, oven, cabinet, and spice shelf, as well as clickable, turnable knobs.

3. Green Toys Construction Trucks

Green Toys Construction Trucks
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This set of three toddler-sized construction trucks is an excellent pick for any car-, truck-, or construction-loving 2-year-old. The trucks are made from 100% recycled plastic and meet all international safety standards. You can’t go wrong with anything from Green Toys, as these items are ideal for indoor or outdoor use and can help develop imagination, motor skills, pretend play, language, and cause-and-effect reasoning. They’re even dishwasher-safe.

Toddlers aren’t always picky with their toys, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be. If you’re not selective, toddler toys can end up taking up a lot of space and sitting idle. Quality and longevity are essential when shopping for toys for a 2-year-old. We think you’ll love the items we’ve recommended here!

25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick 25 of the Best Toys for 2-Year-Olds | Baby Chick
Best Gifts for 1-Year-Olds Tue, 14 Nov 2023 16:00:22 +0000 Little boy celebrate first birthday at home, wearing party hats, birthday cake and candle are ready.

Looking for the best gifts for 1-year-olds? Read on for awesome toys, non-traditional "experience" gifts, and great ways to gift your time.]]>
Little boy celebrate first birthday at home, wearing party hats, birthday cake and candle are ready.

Maybe you have a 1-year-old baby, niece, or nephew, or even a friend with a 1-year-old. Whether it’s the holidays or their birthday, eventually, you will have to find the perfect gift to give them. Now, what gift do you buy for a 1-year-old? So many cute things are available — way more than when we were kids. It can be tough to choose, but no worries! We’ve rounded up all the best gifts for 1-year-olds. We know they will love these items, and you will be proud to give them. Whether this is for your baby or you don’t have any children, this list will help you choose the right gift.
