25 Fun Ways to Tell Your Partner You are Pregnant - Baby Chick

25 Fun Ways to Tell Your Partner You are Pregnant

We've got some fantastic ideas for how to tell your partner you are pregnant! Check out the list to find the perfect way to surprise them.

Updated December 14, 2023

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You just saw those two pink lines on your pregnancy test. Is there anything more exciting? The minute you share the big news with your partner is the best! If this is something you have wanted for a long time, or even if it’s a surprise, letting your partner in on your secret is one of the first steps in your pregnancy journey.

But now that you know, how will you surprise them? There are so many great ideas to tell your partner you are pregnant that it’s hard to narrow down to just a few. So, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most fun ways to spread the news.

25 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Are Pregnant

1. Wrap Up the Positive Test

25 Fun Ways to Tell Your Partner You are Pregnant

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Sure, this one has been around for years, but it is still a good one. If your partner isn’t expecting a present because it’s not their birthday or a holiday, you may catch them completely off guard—simple, easy, and effective.

2. Make a Dinner of Baby Foods

Yep, we are stealing this one from Full House. Do you remember when Aunt Becky found out she was pregnant and wanted to share her excitement with Uncle Jesse? She created a spread of baby foods. No, not baby food, but baby foods. She had baby back ribs, baby corn, and baby shrimp on the plate. At first, he didn’t get it, but as soon as it sank in, he was thrilled. A ’90s throwback and we love it.

3. Play a Song

There are lots of baby songs out there. Make a playlist and see if they catch on. You could add Hit Me Baby One More Time, Baby Got Back, Always Be My Baby, or throw it way back and get them with Having My Baby or Baby Come Back. Bonus: This is also a super-fun thing to have playing in the background at a baby shower.

4. Give Them a T-shirt That Says Mom or Dad

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Who doesn’t love a comfy T-shirt? Present your partner with a tee that says, mom or dad. It is also fun to add “Established:” and insert the year the baby is due. We bet they will wear their new duds proudly in the next few months. Heck, it might even make it into the delivery room.

5. Give Them a Tax Deduction Form

A new baby means saving some money on your taxes. Put something on paper that looks like an official document and present it to them. Make sure they read it closely and add something clever, like a new deduction coming in. We may have used this one with our partner, who still talks about it!

6. Let Big Brother or Sis Get in on the Game

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If there is a sibling, get them involved. You can make or buy a shirt for the sibs, just like the mom or dad shirt. Kids get particularly excited and proud to announce they will be a big brother or sister and be part of the fun!

7. Give Them a Shopping List

Tell them it’s their turn to run to the store. Make sure you write down the essentials like milk, bread, and eggs, and add diapers. This is for the first-timers or those with older kids no longer in diapers. Funny joke, and you’re sure to get a smile.

8. Make it a Joke

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This one is for the guys. Presenting a book of dad jokes can be pretty funny. They only have a few months to start learning some zingers but trust us; this won’t go to waste. But you may regret it someday.

9. Lottery Ticket

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Have you seen this? You can find them online, and they look like lottery tickets, but instead of money, it announces a pregnancy. Slip it in with a couple of other lottery tickets, and they’ll never know what hit them.

10. Download a Countdown App

You could put a countdown app on your phone or theirs and leave it open. Or you could just put it on one day and see if they notice. This may be a very quick reveal for the tech-savvy, or you will have to point it out. It’s a good one.

11. Do You Have a Favorite Pet?

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Your dog or cat is in for a significant change soon too. Put a sign around their neck and let them share the news. The pet lover will fall hard for this one.

12. Is Your Partner A Sports, Concert, or Theater Fan?

Tell them you got tickets to an event and hand them a fake stub. Fill in fun details, like your due date, doctor, and your names. They will certainly be entertained!

13. Share a Photo

If you head to the doctor before you make your announcement, you can share a sonogram picture. This is a great way to tell your partner you are pregnant and make it officially official. And when you see your baby on the screen, it’s an incredible feeling and moment to share.

14. Say it With a Card

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A card is another simple but fun way to tell them you’re expecting. Buy a card that says “You + Me = Three” The card may throw them off for a second, but when they get it, they’ll love it.

15. Sit Them Down to Play a Game

You can get them with a board game in many ways. Rig a game of Scrabble and go first, spelling out your announcement. Wheel of Fortune letters that spell out I’m Pregnant are clever. Or tell them with a puzzle. The anticipation might get you, but it is fun.

16. Throw Some Baby Clothes in the Laundry

Make sure that your partner oversees the folding that day. A couple of onesies, a sleeper, and a baby blanket will get their attention. Just wait until they are folding dozens of those a week. Babies are messy!

17. Put a Bun in the Oven

A classic play on words. Tell them to check the timer because you have “a bun in the oven.” You may have to repeat yourself several times, but hopefully, they’ll catch on quickly. Put some real bread in there because pregnancy makes you hungry, and doesn’t butter on warm bread sound delicious?

18. Stock the Cabinets

Grab some bottles, maybe a couple of baby food jars, and a bib. Ask them to grab you something from the cabinet and wait for their reaction. They better get used to those bottles, though. There’s a lot of feeding in their future.

19. Put It on the Bottom of Their Cup

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Coffee, beer, a glass of water? It doesn’t matter. Another fun way to tell your partner you are pregnant is to get a glass or mug printed that tells them they will be a parent. Depending on what was in that glass, they may decide to have another immediately.

20. Give Them Something that Says, Grandma or Grandpa

Want to really confuse them? Instead of a shirt or card that says mom or dad, hand them something that says grandma or grandpa and tell them to give it to their parents. It might take a second to sink in, but it’s a winner. And it serves a double purpose because it’s a real gift they can give. And if you think telling a partner is fun, grandparents are amazing!

21. Give Them Some Reading Material

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This could be a book to read to your baby or something to read for themselves in preparation for the baby’s birth. A book is a fun keepsake you can hold onto for a long time.

22. Stuffed Animal with a Voice Recording Inside

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These are fun. Grab a teddy for the baby and have your voice recorded inside to tell them the good news. These are special to share with your kids when they are older. You can also do this with your baby’s heartbeat at your next ultrasound.

23. Write It on the Dessert

Do they love cookies? Cake? Heck, it could even be a cookie cake! Write a message on top letting them know that life is going to change in a big way. But be sure to take pics. This one probably won’t last very long.

24. Fortune Cookie

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Who doesn’t love to read their fortune after a delicious meal? Order up some fried rice and orange chicken and stuff that growing belly. After you finish, let them read their fortune. Inside will be no ordinary message, but we hope it puts a smile on their face.

25. Just Tell Them!

There is also nothing wrong with blurting it out straight from the bathroom. Not everyone needs a grandiose surprise. And let’s be honest, sometimes you can’t wait!

Have your camera ready no matter how you choose to tell your partner you are pregnant. You will want to remember the priceless look on your partner’s face for a long time.

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  • Author

Colleen Dilthey Thomas is a mother of four, three boys and one girl, and a freelance writer. She offers her life experience and a bit of wisdom to a variety… Read more

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