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POV of young woman relaxing at home reading a book lying on sofa. Lifesyle concept.

What Moms Mean When They Say They Don’t Want Anything for Mother’s Day

Say “I love you” more often for Mother’s Day by understanding what she really needs: A day of rest and peace.

Happy Mother's Day. Little girl gives homemade card to her mom in front yard of family home.

100+ Happy Mother’s Day Quotes

Are you looking for the perfect quote to write in your Mother's Day card? Here are 100+ of our favorite Happy Mother's Day quotes.

40 Best Mother’s Day Gifts on Amazon

Shower your mom with love this second Sunday in May! Here are fifteen of the best Mother's Day gifts you can find on Amazon!

Mother’s Day Craft: Handprint Flower Bouquet

Are you looking for the perfect Mother's Day craft? This handprint bouquet is a fun and easy way for kids to show mom how loved she is!

Mother's Day Gift Guide for the New Mom

Mother’s Day Gifts for New Moms

Get the new mom in your life something that she will actually use & love. Here are our favorite Mother's Day gifts for new moms!

Family celebrating mother's day in bed while giving mom her Mother's Day gift.

The ULTIMATE Guide to Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

To find the perfect Mother's Day gift, here's our ULTIMATE guide to Mother's Day gift ideas. It has items for every superwoman in your life.

diy spa in a box, mother's day gift diy, relaxation kit

DIY Spa-in-a-Box Gift for Mother’s Day

If you're looking for a last minute gift to give your mother on Mother's Day, this DIY spa in a box is the perfect thing!

Celebrating ALL Women on Mother's Day

Celebrating ALL Women on Mother’s Day

This Mother's Day let's not only celebrate our moms, but also all the women who have made us the women that we are. Read more.

A Letter to My Unborn Baby on Mother's Day

A Letter to My Unborn Baby on Mother’s Day

It's my first Mother's Day. My baby is still in my tummy, so I wanted to write a few words. Here is my letter to my unborn baby.

The word mom written with flowers.

Best Mother’s Day Gifts for Pregnant Mamas

A woman becomes a mother the moment she finds out she's pregnant. Honor your special lady with these Mother's Day gifts for pregnant mamas!

5 Ways To Celebrate Mother’s Day When You’re Expecting

5 Ways To Celebrate Mother’s Day When You’re Expecting

Here is a list of 5 things you can do on Mother’s Day while you're expecting that all tie together for a super, special day.

A Brief Look into the History of Mother’s Day

Mother's Day has become one of the most commercialized holidays of the year. But what was the true intent behind the creation of the day?